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Career Project Materials

My students are really taking off with this Career Exploration Project we are working on.  In week one, we talked about the Brain Smarts or Multiple Intelligence.  On Week two, the students took the Mulitple Intelligence's Inventory and determined their top 3 Smarts.  Now we are in Week three, and the students are developing projects that they will share with the class.  I have allowed the students to use their creativity in creating this project as well as given them some freedoms.  I feel like it would be silly to do a project on Multiple Intelligence's, and then bind them to a project that they may not excel at because it doesn't match their intelligence. Therefore, I have given them this Project Planning Worksheet to guide what their presentation should contain.  This also promotes Habit 2, and the need to plan in order to create anything. See the Lesson Plan for this lesson to get a clear picture of what this lesson is all about.


  1. Management consultants must have the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Businesses include large number of projects with different deadlines. It is therefore quite essential to have the ability and expertise to work and thrive under stress to become an invaluable asset to the clients. career success


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