While we are all quarantined and unable to reach our students face to face, it has been an interesting challenge trying to stay connected. I am learning so much, and so thankful for the things I had in place even before we were quarantined. Here are a few ways I am staying connected with students. Google classroom: I have been using google classroom with my grades 3-5 students for a few years. Thankfully, it was loaded with lessons for them to review while I was adding new ones. I only wish I had started this with K-2. I am fearful about adding more to their little plates, so I will definitely be doing that once we return. Google Hangouts: Google hangouts has been nice to be able to stay connected one on one with students. I am able to text but in a secure place where they won't see my number. Google Hangout Meet : I did this today and was so excited to see my students! I added the join link to ...
Resources for School Counselors