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Showing posts from March, 2020

Virtual School Counseling

While we are all quarantined and unable to reach our students face to face, it has been an interesting challenge trying to stay connected.  I am learning so much, and so thankful for the things I had in place even before we were quarantined.  Here are a few ways I am staying connected with students.  Google classroom:  I have been using google classroom with my grades 3-5 students for a few years.  Thankfully, it was loaded with lessons for them to review while I was adding new ones.  I only wish I had started this with K-2.  I am fearful about adding more to their little plates, so I will definitely be doing that once we return. Google Hangouts:   Google hangouts has been nice to be able to stay connected one on one with students.  I am able to text but in a secure place where they won't see my number.   Google Hangout Meet :  I did this today and was so excited to see my students!  I added the join link to ...