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Showing posts from July, 2019

Learning How to Lose

In a time when everyone gets a trophy, I am finding more and more students really can't handle losing a game, or not being the BEST at something.  Thankfully, Julia Cook has come up with this great book to help us address this.  In the book it refers to "you can't win a coin toss every time," so I ran with that and decided to help kids learn how to lose.  In this activity, I pair the students up, and one decides who is heads and one decides who is tails.  I give them one minute and let them play heads or tails as many times as they can.  They mark who won on each round.  Whoever has the most wins after the minute is over, wins the round.  Then I ask the students who did not win, to sit at the carpet.  We proceed to play again until only their is only one winner.  That winner gets to pick a prize out of my prize bag.  This is a risky lesson I must say, but it's proven to be very effective if I preceed the lesson with the following disclai...

The Title Matters

   For years I have been hearing the debate between Guidance Counselors versus School Counselors.  I used to think it didn't really matter.  Boy was I wrong!!!  After reading the research behind why we need to change our title, I am convinced it's time to begin implementing this change.  This helped me so much in figuring out why we should be advocating for the change.