This lesson is great for getting a pre-assessment from your students regarding how they view bullies and targets. It opens up the floor for lots of conversations and intersting discussions about stereotypes, and their own experiences with Bullying. It helps me know what I need to make sure I touch on with that class and what I can leave out. My goal is that the studnets are able to show me that they understand that oftentimes, a bully can be anyone, and bullies because they are hurting inside. Also, that a target, can be just about anyone! Here's how it works: Hand out the outline of the bully or target . Say: Decorate your person according to how you think a bully or target really looks. Give about 10-15 minutes for them to do so, allowing them to really explore how they view bullies and target. Say: Now, around the head write things you think that person might be thinking. Say: Next, draw a heart...
Resources for School Counselors