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Showing posts from July, 2013

7 Habits Board Games

I love it when I can show my students how to apply the seven habits in the real world.  This activity does just that!  I have the kids work together in groups to create a 7 Habits Board game that I will later use with my younger students.  I typically have grades 3-5 do this activity, as I have found 2nd grade and below are just not quite ready.  In this activity, the students actually have to practice using the habits to finish the project.  You'll see from planning worksheet that the students have to Begin with the End in Mind, and Synergize to solve the problems that may arise.  As I see students having trouble, I use this time to help them solve the conflicts using Seek First to Understand and Win-Win.  Allowing the studnets this time to actually practice be a team player, is vital to their growth as Leaders. 


               Morning Meeting Procedures          Recess Procedures             Hallway Procedures One of the things we as a school needed was simple ways to state expectations for our students. In keeping with our nautical theme (we are the "Admirals") we chose to use nautical acronyms  for our hallway, recess, and morning meeting procedures. It provides a positive way to state the desired expectation to students as they all know what each acronym means. Now, all we have to say when we need to get ready to walk in the hallway is "Let's get ready go SAIL!"  Immediately the kids prepare themselves for appropriate hallway procedures. It's been a real win for our school!